Monday, September 13, 2021

One Little Conspiracy Among Friends

I confess to entertaining one "9-11 conspiracy theory": LIHOP: They "Let It Happen On Purpose."

I think (circumstantial, I know) evidence points to the fascist Busheviks knew some kind of attack was coming.

They thought it would be "small," and "manageable," so they cynically and criminally let it happen, to strengthen the (at the time, dissolving) Bushevik regime. (Recall that the Bushies were being crucified, nightly, by the late-nite comics like Jon Stewart?)

Remember, too: The Regime was in chaos. Bush was proving dumber and more incompetent every day, Rumsfeld was on "death watch" through the summer at DoD, Condi Rice was (and still is) a pathetic joke, Colon Powell was still a patsy.
They were losing power daily.

It turned out, of course, worse than imagined, but the Regime bounced back by invading Afghanistan and then Iraq.

To me, it was a cynical, homicidal war-crime, the first of hundreds more to come.

Desperate times (the collapse of the Bush presidency into a steaming heap of irrelevant rubble, taking the party with it) require desperate measures?

I do not have hard evidence.

I said as much.

I just have the suspicion, based on their 1) history and 2) later behaviors, that the Busheviks/GOPhux felt they needed a provocation to unleash the U*S military, thus to distract from the disaster the regime had become in just over EIGHT months.

They didn't expect the towers to fall, even if the nature of the attack may have been anticipated. They didn't know the date or time, so couldn't institute preventative measures. They weren't surprised y the attack, only by the size and scope.

I think it is impossible to underestimate how carelessly destructive and evil are the upper echelons of the GOPhux and its ownership.

The GOPhux reply to the COVID demonstrates conclusively they do NOT care about USer casualties when there is political advantage to be gained.

If you reject the possibility, you seriously underestimate the depths of their depravity.

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