Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Case of "In-House" Victim Blaming

"Biden is priming the pump for Trump Part Deuce? Opinion by Arick Wierson and Bradley Honan "


A couple of big-time ("moderate") Dem "movers & shakers"--two very comfortable White males--are already tolling the Democrats' forthcoming electoral woes, heaping on President Biden for "giving" the Fascisti & GOPhux increased electoral leverage. Wierson was Bloomberg's media hack and Honan is founder and honcho of a "strategic public opinion research and data analytics outfit consulting with the DNC.

Democrats blaming Biden for Lord Dampnut's concession to the Taliban and the subsequent withdrawal, or for Lord Dampnut's failed response to the pandemic, is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

Nor can Biden be blamed for not shutting Lord Dampnut's flapping yap and whiny, aggrieved tone. That's the Corporate media doing that, which you guys make fortunes advising, at the stern behest of their CorpoRat masters.

Biden's not at fault for being unable to more successfully penetrate the continued barrages and the residual effects of FOUR years of conscious, malignant attacks on the possibility of public truth, via big lies, false information and conscious distortion which the MSM gleefully publish.

I don't think the Democrat's majority in the Congres will survive the 2022 election, and if it doesn't, then their 2024 hopes will vanish. But they've never been very large, and the unchecked, malicious, dishonest and intentionally divisive "fraudits" will unquestionaby metastasize. Fraudits and similar challenges don't have to succeed in overturning elections if they plant and tend the seeds of distrust.

If the losing side refuses to concede defeat, that defeats Democracy, in a single act.

P.s.: Votes matter less than States.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. 2022 is the tipping point. If we don't prevail then, the future of America is doomed. I've never felt more pessimistic about the future in general. :(
