Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Helplessly Hoping...

I am growing in frustration at the rone of public "voices" of the alleged "left" carrying on in the wake of the democratic debacle of the past year, as if there were some magical, as yet undisclosed treatment for the Nation's assorted, debilitating ills and justifiying their incomprehensible, public optimism. It verges on DENIAL, the fervor with which the encroachment of fascism is ignored. I just watched John Oliver raving rationally about "Voting Rights" and, while he's sufficiently, and frequently hilariously outraged (I'll never view lobster the same way again), he's stretching for "hope."  


We don't need "hope." We need DESPERATION! 
All hands to the pumps and repel boarders!

It now seems impossible to me that these divisions--symbolized by the various strains of the virus crisis--can be healed. Sadly, in a "democracy"--especiaslly in a simulacrum like ours, all hollowed out by "media_ation," an active, wealthy, fanatical minority--1/3 of the people?--can obstruct, damage, and prevent policies the Majority support and which preserve even the current charade. Witness: the present "Debt ceiling/spending limit" kabuki.

There really is NOTHING we can do about it. It's well past "doing something." The moment passed when the Ruuskis installed the Saffron Shitstain. Nothing WILL "restore" trust in elections, once it is effectively problematized, because nothing CAN restore it. No subsequent election will ever be conducted without post facto challenges by well-financed losers. That dam has burst. There's no going back. There's no "there" to go back to. It's being erased, effaced, defaced.

I would wager dollahs to quatloos that the elections in 2022 will be characterized by the same tactic. No "loss" at the polls will go uncontested, especially by the GQPhux. And this will become the rule, which won't be contested itself because of the benefit and advantages it bestows. Any functioning "democracy," especially such an aspirational one as this, so dreadfully unfulfilled, yet so hubristically proud of itself, absolutely requires that the governed trust in the means of selecting their governors. In "obsoleting" that agreement, our "democracy" has been turned against us while we watched, helplessly. Because, what can YOU do? They have packed the judiciary with Federalist Society toadies. The SCROTUS is an embarrassing, and a partisan joke presided over by "practicing" acolytes of Opus Dei. They've corrupted as much of the electoral machineries of the State as they can reach, and are extending their reach all the time. Votes don't matter; STATES matter, and they've been gerrymandered to ensure continued GQPhux dominance. Election laws are being overturned and rewritten to exclude the poor, the young, and people of color from Florida to Arizona. Seventeen States, over 100 distinct pieces of legislation. By the time we get to the next chance to vote, it'll be a dead letter. Such is my deepest dread.


  1. Can't argue with the dread. There's nothing happening as long as Manchin and Sinema are holding up things, and I just heard that if it's not done almost immediately, the rules will be set for 2022 and almost impossible to change.

  2. I agree. I am terrified of losing control of Congress in 2022 and it looks increasingly likely if things don't start going better.
