Friday, May 29, 2020

Propaganda 102: Notes

Image may contain: meme, text that says 'If this were the Bubonic Plague, the "wide open" morons imgflip.con would be kissing the ratz!'
This WILL be on the test!
--You don't have to control people's thoughts if you supply what they think about and the words they use.
--We GOTTA to stop acting like "the Media" are independent agents.They are NOT. They're private property!
--Middull Markins aren't sheep, they're moths.
--Agit-prop doesn't lose any effectiveness because it's untrue.
--Every Twitlerian slander, every nugget of mis-information, every spin, every lie becomes part of the discourse, of the narrative.
--It's not about "money." Dat's just a tool. It's about POWER, ruling the world. Compelling others to do your will. And THAT now seems possible.
--Adverse effects of a vaccine, if any, would be non-transmissible; adverse effects of the virus are pandemic. Is there a "choice?"

1 comment:

  1. HI Woody! Just catching up briefly in blogdom. I was trying to find your post about the Tulsa Massacre but got lost in all your blogs!
