Friday, December 22, 2017

Lining Up the "Kill Shot"

I am ALWAYS surprised when folks profess astonishment that the filthy fucking Fascists of the GOP seem intent on destroying Social Security and Medicare.
"Why would they want to destroy programs that are HELPING people," these tyros inquire, stupifiedly?
The answers range from the paralyzingly ordinary to the byzantiely bizarre. But it is fundamentally this:
It is BECAUSE they "work," BECAUSE they are  effective, BECAUSE they are popular, that the GOPhux target them.
They have an ulterior motive: 
They WANT you to hate Government.
Remember Ronny Raygoon's endearing homily, the nine, most feared words? ("I'm from the government and I'm here to help.")
They run for office claiming Govt. it terrible, and then, when elected, they PROVE it, beyond any possibility of doubt.
They want YOU to become so tired, and sick, and disgusted, and horrified by the mess they create that YOU will throw up your hands and walk away. They want you to voluntarily foresake your popular sovereignty.
Trump is the ULTIMATE insult and affront. He has irreparably damaged the Office of the President. And yet, he CANNOT be defeated in the conventional sense. Thus, his mere presence on the office lends to it an aura of meretriciousness that is fatal to public trust.
Which is PRECISELY the whole fucking POINT@!
Because, if the people hate and distrust their own sovereignty, they won't mind so much when the CorpoRats swoop in and steal the whole fucking thing, and privatize it.
This is an historical moment, because it is apparently the culmination of the Centuries'-long plutocratic attacks upon the Commons.

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