Sunday, November 14, 2021

Why DO the Dems "Play Fair?"


One frequently hears complaints that the Dems are gormless because they don't abuse "the rules," and play 'dirty' the way the GOPhukkkerz do.

It's true. The Dems do "play by the rules.

That's because the Dems don't HAVE "power." So they HAVE to play by the rules.

There are two factors:
1) they don't have the votes in Congress (or caucus discipline), and
2) as the Party of the 2nd (and Lower-class) Citizens, they don't have the cachet, status or standing to assail the big money, even IF they had the desire.

Democrats aren't so much a "party" as they are a portmanteau of occasionally hostile, constantly competing, minority interests scrabbling for the scraps the GOP deign to distribute.
Democrats require BIG majorities to initiate or instigate big changes. That majority hasn't been available since Raygoon and the GOPhux split the FDR coalition on Race and Civil Rights.

The GOPhux need only one vote to alter the structure of the whole country.

The GOPhux have a Party mantra from which they seldom deviate: Fuck the poor. The Dems' factions don't have enough in common to agree on a single (albeit sotto voce) unifying principle that the troops can rally around.
"Social justice!" is great but it doesn't have the "popular" resonance of "fuck the poor."

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