Sunday, July 11, 2021

What ARE They So Afraid Of?

 In another dicussion, someone asked "What are White people so aftaid of?"
Legit question. Folk ethnology might suggest the following description:

The aristocracy, of course, fears the dilution of their power. Hegemony gets trickier when the field's mined the same way for everybody abs NOBODY knows where. They sing paeans to competition, but they hate, fear, and always try to eliminate it wherever they can. It's all about mergers and acquisitions. 

The hoi-poloi are legitimately terrified over losing their cultural/social status and advantages by which--and ONLY by which--they have historically distinguished themselves from those whom they scorn and detest.

AND... They're either authentically afraid of "retribution" befalling them for harboring and extolling their toxic racism so tightly and for so long, or that's what they've been convinced of, by fascists who masterfully manipulate propaganda, the Big Lies, and wackloon conspiracies to keep the morons in line. 

I  think wealthy Whites view oncoming parity as nothing more than an inconvenience, because they'll still have all the wealth for DECADES to come. 

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