I am personally ambivalent about whom the Democrats nominate.
At this point, it appears to me that IF Lord Dampnut CAN be ousted, ANY Democrat--any semi-sentient being--ought to be able to do it--if it can be done, at all. His destructive antics, both at home and abroad, have encouraged many to believe his ouster is a foregone conclusion, but I am not sanguine about it. (YMMV)
Conversely, if, as I increasingly suspect, he canNOT be ousted--because the forces arrayed in his behalf (Ruuskis, Israelis, Chinese, NKorean, AND the GOPhux...etc.) will be GREATER and MORE intrusive (and probably LESS visible) than in 2016; meanwhile the GOPhux inna Senate have blocked funding for counter-measures FOR THE PAST THREE FUCKING YEARS--then it ALSO won't matter whom the Dems name.
(Yes, it's a tautology; that's two-party politics)
So, I hope it's either Biden or Bernie.
Because BOTH of them have just about exhausted their useful shelf-life.
This is the end, the last act, for either of them, howsoever it turns out.
Then, in the (unfortunately unlikely) event that either were elected, they might be prevailed upon to "do the right thing, and resign/retire in favor of their VP.
And if the Saffron Shitwhistle is returned, then no one who MIGHT take a prominent role subsequently is damaged by the defeat...if there happen to be future, national elections.